AWRSD Students will return to Hybrid Learning on November 16. With the recommendation of the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (representing Ashburnham) and the Westminster Board of Health and with agreement from every member of our AWRSD Medical Advisory Team, all students in our A and B Cohorts will return to hybrid learning beginning Monday, November 16.
AWRSD moves to Fully Remote Learning, No School 10/28/2020 AWRSD students will have a NO-SCHOOL DAY tomorrow, Wednesday, October 28 and will then learn completely remotely at least through Tuesday, November 10, 2020.
No School 12/17/2020 Due to the impending winter storm, all Ashburnham Westminster Regional schools and offices will be closed Thursday, December 17, 2020. Please be safe and enjoy the winter weather.
Parent Tech Help Sessions Are you struggling with SeeSaw or Google Classroom? Register today for a Parent Tech Help Clinic to be held in the Oakmont Library.
Family Tech Help Site Are you looking for technical help with the resources your student is using this fall? Start with the AWRSD Family Tech Help site at