Handbook » OMS Parent Student Handbook - School Services & Staff

OMS Parent Student Handbook - School Services & Staff

Overlook Middle School

Parent-Student Handbook

School Services & Staff

Bus Information


Bus Company – 978-991-1042


All students riding buses are under the direct supervision of the bus driver. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and appropriate manner and are expected to follow all school rules. Once boarded, students must remain seated until their bus stop. 


Excessive noise, profanity or any behavior distracting the bus driver or endangering others will not be tolerated. Possession or use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs is prohibited on all AWRSD transportation. Students violating school and bus safety rules may be denied bus transportation. Buses must not be defaced in any way.  The bus driver has the same authority during your transit that your teachers do in the classroom.  Continued problems on a bus may lead to assigned seating and/or loss of bus privileges. Bus trips and Bus Stops are extensions of the school day.

Please refer all bus problems to the administration. Students and parents should be aware that video cameras have been installed on the school buses and activities on the buses may be recorded to ensure the safety of our student riders.


Rules of bus safety and conduct

  •  Wait on the sidewalk until the bus stops.
  •  Don’t crowd or push when entering or exiting the bus.
  •  When waiting for the bus at home or at school, don’t approach the bus until it comes to a complete stop.
  • When approaching or leaving the bus, wait for the driver's hand signal, look both ways before crossing the street. Cross in front of the bus.
  • Do not lean out the window or throw objects out the window.
  •  Don’t litter or eat on the bus.
  •  Never run between a line of buses.


Counseling Office


Phone: 978-827-1422 Fax: 978-827-1423

Secretary: Ms. Marine Castro


Ms. Katherine Whittaker

Ms. Katie Kilcoyne

Mr. Zach Bradt


Mission Statement

The Overlook Middle School counseling program works to create a safe, welcoming, nurturing environment to support all students.  Our mission is to provide a comprehensive program that cultivates each student’s academic, career and personal/social growth.  Counselors collaborate with students, teachers, parents, administrators and community members to promote the value of positive citizenship and lifelong learning.

Students, in grades 6, 7, and 8, from linguistic, racial, and ethnic minorities; males; females; homeless students; and students with disabilities all receive the same information and academic counseling as other students on the full range of general curricular and any occupational/vocational opportunities available to them.


To ensure that counseling and counseling materials are free from bias and stereotypes on the basis of race, color, national background, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, economic status, political party, age, handicap, sexual orientation, homelessness and other human differences, all counselors:

  • encourage students to consider programs of study, courses, extracurricular activities, and occupational opportunities on the basis of individual interests, abilities, and skills;
  • examine testing materials for bias and counteract any found bias when administering tests and interpreting test results;
  • communicate effectively with limited-English-proficient and disabled students and facilitate their access to all programs and services offered by the district; 
  • provide limited-English-proficient students with the opportunity to receive guidance and counseling in language they understand;
  • support students in educational and occupational pursuits that are nontraditional for their gender. 


School Counselors

School counselors, in addition to their team responsibilities, are involved in the following:

  • Academic counseling,
  • Crisis counseling (individual and group),
  • Home/school liaison activities,
  • Transitional activities (elementary to middle school and middle school to high school),
  • Student registrations and transfers,
  • Grade 7 Career Awareness Program 
  • Grade 6 Orientation,
  • School wide initiatives,
  • Grade 7 SOS (Signs of Suicide),
  • Secondary School Application Process (Montachusett Regional Vocational, Private Schools). 


Students may receive a pass from time to time to meet with the school counselor.  However, students can arrange a meeting whenever needed, by stopping by the Counseling Office.  Students are welcomed and encouraged to visit with their counselor at any time.


Food Service


For the 2022-2023 School Year lunch and breakfast will be free.  However, if a student wants to purchase a second breakfast or lunch, the price for a second complete breakfast is $1.50 and the price for a complete lunch is $3.00.  Milk remains at $.50 for the students. 


A pre-payment system for additional breakfast or lunch is an option that is available and greatly appreciated for the Food Service Policy adopted by the AWRSD School Committee on October 9, 2007 states that middle school students will be allowed to charge a maximum of one school meal. 


Parents can use myschoolbucks.com to view and add to their student's food services account balance and track what their student purchased for breakfast and/or lunch.  See the District's website for more information about food services. Chartwells maintains the records of students who utilize the pre-payment system. 

The Food Service Director is always available to parents and may be reached at 978-874-1501.



Lunch is 25 minutes. Students may buy a hot lunch or bring lunch from home and buy additional items.  When they have finished lunch, students will take their tray or trash and dispose of it properly.  Everyone at a table is responsible for the overall condition of the area.  Any student who misbehaves in the cafeteria may lose cafeteria privileges.  Students are to stay seated while they eat their lunch.

Below is a list of the cafeteria rules:

  • Students must remain seated while in the cafeteria, except to throw away trash.
  • Students will be dismissed by table and are responsible for their own cleanup!
  • No cutting in line.
  • Keep hands to self at all times.
  • Walk at all times.
  • No food or drink is allowed outside the cafeteria.
  • Energy drinks are not allowed.
  • Be sure to get to and from lunch in a timely fashion, using the correct staircase. This allows for smooth transitions for all three grades.
  • Show respect at all times to teachers, cafeteria and custodial staff as well as other students.




School Nurse


Students should consult the school nurse when they have any problems or questions pertaining to health.  Medical treatment consists of first aid for injuries that happen in school and care for students who become ill during school hours.  Students who take prescription or over-the-counter medication during the school day MUST have a medication order from a physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant, along with written consent signed by the parent/guardian on file in the nurse’s office.  


Breathe sprays are also not allowed in school.  All medication must be in the original container, i.e. the prescription bottle which was dispensed from the pharmacy, taken under the supervision of the school nurse, and brought to school by a parent/guardian or a responsible adult, and given directly to the nurse.  ALL MEDICATIONS will be dispensed under the supervision of the nurse.  A student who wishes to see the nurse during school time must secure a pass from the teacher and should report directly to the nurse’s office.  If the student needs to leave school during the day because of illness, the nurse will notify the parent/guardian so that they may arrange transportation for the student.  If your child calls you and tells you to pick them up because they are being dismissed for illness, something is not right.  Please call the School Nurse to verify the dismissal.  Students should not use the personal phone to call home for a dismissal.  Failure to follow this policy will result in an after school detention.


Screenings performed yearly, for all students, in accordance with the Massachusetts’ Department of Health guidelines include the following:

  • postural 
  • screening,
  • vision,
  • hearing,
  • height,
  • weight,
  • blood pressure.


Physical Examination


Students entering Grade 7 and all students who are new to the district must have a physical examination.  All students who participate in competitive sports also must have a physical examination ANNUALLY.  The physical must be done prior to participation in the sport, which includes practice.  The physical exam must be done by an athlete’s physician.  The physical exam form must be forwarded to the school nurse BEFORE practice begins.  All student physical exams are valid for one year and need to be updated for participation in any sport activity.  The physical exam form must include the date that the physical was given and state whether or not the student is physically fit for competitive sports.

SOAR - Students/Staff Over Achievement Recognition

In the fall of 1996, a committee was formed to discuss additional ways we could recognize students for achievement.  The discussions led to the creation of SOAR or 

Student/Staff Over Achievement Recognition Program.  The committee developed

a mission statement and goals for the program.  


SOAR - Students/Staff Over Achievement Recognition

In the fall of 1996, a committee was formed to discuss additional ways we could recognize students for achievement.  The discussions led to the creation of SOAR or Student/Staff Over Achievement Recognition Program.  


PTO Information 


The purposes of the Overlook PTO are to stimulate, inform, and encourage the active participation of parents, teachers, and citizens of Ashburnham and Westminster.  The PTO supports the school in creating a learning environment that meets the needs and abilities of all students.  It also provides a forum to facilitate communication between parents and teachers.  Monthly meetings are held.  Check the website: https://sites.google.com/awrsd.org/overlookmspto/home  for the times and location of monthly meetings.


School Council


Chapter 71 of the School Reform Law of 1993 requires the establishment of school councils in all the public schools in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The purpose of the school council is to: 

  • Assist and advise the principals in adopting educational goals for their school;
  • Assist and advise the principals in the identification of the educational needs of the students;
  • Assist and advise the principals in the review of the annual school budget;
  • Assist and advise the principal in the formulation of a school improvement plan. 



Principal, Co-Chairperson, Assistant Principal 

4  Teachers Grades 6-8 elected by Ashburnham-Westminster Teachers Association 

4  Middle School Parents (2A, 2W)

1 Community Representative -- Westminster 

1 Community Representative -- Ashburnham