OMS Parent Student Handbook - Digital and Electronic Policies
Overlook Middle School
Parent-Student Handbook
Computer Use Policy
There is a district wide computer use policy (see appendixes). It is important that students have a clear understanding of this policy. Please discuss the document with your child. Students will bring home an "Overlook Student Handbook and the Overlook Computer Use Contract" acknowledgement card which must be signed by both the student and parent. Any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in disciplinary action. This action includes but is not limited to cancellation of computer privileges, and if appropriate, legal action.
Electronic Devices
No personal electronics are to be used during the school day unless they are being used for educational purposes. This includes tablets, MP3 players (iPod), SMART watches and cellular phones. Picture or video capable cell phones are prohibited from use anywhere in the school building. The use of this technology for purposes that violate school procedures or personal freedom will result in disciplinary action. All personal electronics are to be stored in lockers and turned off during the school day. Personal electronics in student possession during the school day will be confiscated and returned to the student after school. Subsequent offenses will produce further disciplinary action requiring parental contact. These devices are often the target of theft. The school does not assume any responsibility for the loss or damage to personal electronic devices.
Media Permission
At the beginning of the school year a Student Emergency and Health Record Form will be sent home with each student. Parents must indicate under the section entitled “Notification Regarding Student Identification” whether they GRANT or DENY permission for the child to be filmed, taped, photographed, videotaped or published on the website. If a parent/guardian fails to complete this section, the district will treat the act as a DENIAL, until otherwise notified in writing by the parent/guardian. A student list of “denied access by parents” will be kept on file at the school.
Movies/Videos/Video Games
Movies, videos and video games can enhance and enrich the curriculum. The administration will approve the use of the video, movie or video game. If there is a need to use a movie or video rated P-13 or above or a video game rated Teen, teachers will send home a permission note prior to the viewing. The permission slip will include:
- Description of the content of the movie,
- The movie’s rating,
- How the movie is connected to the unit being studied.
Publication of Student Names
Periodically, Overlook Middle School publicizes student names for awards, achievement, honors, etc. in the local media. In addition, student work and achievement may be recognized on Overlook’s website ( According to District policy, group photos and side profiles may be published on our web page; however, no names shall be linked to a photograph. Work shall be identified by first name and last initial only. Student work shall be understood to be (though not limited to) writing, artwork, and musical pieces. If a parent/guardian does not want his/her child’s name or photograph in the media or achievement to appear on our web page, please complete the "Notification Regarding Student Identification" found at the bottom of the page on the Student Emergency Health Record Form.
Social Media and Electronic Communication
Students may not catfish or pretend to be others on social media or any other electronic communication. Students may not create a fake account of the school, staff member, or other students and will be consequenced under major technology misuse. Students who are found to be creators of or in possession of login information of fake accounts of the school, a staff member, or another student will be facing suspension under major technology misuse. Students who knowingly like or comment on fake accounts of the school, staff member, or another student are subject to school discipline under minor technology misuse. Students who follow fake accounts may be subject to investigation. Furthermore, students who knowingly follow an unofficial social media account and/or a fake account of a staff member, student, or the school may be subject to discipline.
Impersonating a student or staff member on social media or posting inappropriate images or memes contradicts responsible behavior. Following accounts that are impersonating or defamatory against the school, staff or students only promotes this irresponsible behavior and contributes to the problem and is not condoned by school administration.
Students who bring their own devices to school are subject to a reasonable search if suspicion arises that the device contains evidence of a violation of school policy or the law.
Web Page Publishing Policy
Our district has chosen to adopt the following regulations with respect to all of our school web pages.
Supervision of web pages
Responsibility for the content of a school’s website will rest solely with the building’s principal and the Director of Technology.
Quality of Content
Each school webpage will be designed and maintained in such a way as to meet the following criteria:
- Anything that is on the school webpage will be grammatically correct and free of spelling mistakes;
- The webpage should be well organized, professional in appearance, and offer ease of use for those who visit the site;
- The only links which will be posted on the webpage are those which have been thoroughly checked out by the webmaster and deemed to be of educational value;
- The webpage will not contain ANY links to staff or student homepages.
It must be clearly understood that any material submitted for publication (by a student, staff member, or community member) may be accepted or rejected by the building principal on its educational merits and the needs of the school at that point in time.
Copyright Issues
When student or staff work is published on any school webpage, the webmaster will post a copyright notice prohibiting the copying of this work without written consent. If a webmaster chooses to incorporate material; (text files, graphics, and audio files) from another source on the school webpage, s/he must first obtain a permission form from the copyright owner. The district will furnish each webmaster with a Copyright Permission Form that can be used to garner said permission. Once permission is granted and the material is used, a notice must be placed at the bottom of the school webpage crediting the original producer.
Policy Review
The School Committee will periodically assess the appropriateness of the language contained herein and make any changes to stay current with any technological advances.